Ready to become a believer in the abundance mentality?

Welcome to Copious

Copious is an exclusive wholesale marketplace for Land Investors.

Let's sell some land


Listen to what our members have to say about

Copious is a game changer for your land business.

"I think Eric's made a great product with Copious. With the website, the app, and with the community of people."

Jeremy Brown

Legacy Acres, LLC

"I think it's great! If you're curious you should check it out. And save some time and money"

Matt Fonda

Dream Hill Homes Corp

Find it with ease

Running low on inventory?
Or, got a hot buyer but don't have what they need?
 * Buy wholesale

Have land you need to move?
Or, need to sell quickly for your next deal?
 * Sell wholesale

We all have what others need.
Find it quickly and easily with a Copious membership!

Copious is the place for Land Investors to buy and sell properties among themselves. 

country road

Wholesale made easy

Want to see it?

I'm unbelievably excited to share this with you.
Copious is a long term vision turning into reality. It is here for you. To help your Land Investing business grow and power through those business ruts we all go through. 

In 90 seconds you'll see how Copious will be a game changer for you.


We're always improving Copious! here is an overview of some recent changes and additions!

Here is an overview of some recent changes and additions!

Copious Upgrades!

Let's grow together


Low monthly membership fees because the true value comes from the community!
More members = more properties = more deals = more contacts = more knowledge = more efficiency = more cash flow = more growth!

Elite Professional



* Post unlimited properties 
*Set Property Preferences
*Message Members
*Receive Notifications
*Abundance of Resources!

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3255 Lawrenceville Suwanee Rd. Ste P #1053
Suwanee GA 30024

About Copious

Created by a Land Investor who believes in the Abundance Mentality and Network Effects. We're all in this together.

Become a member and let's sell some land!

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